
  • Roudlotul Jannah Layanan Konsultasi Hukum Wisma Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah Daerah Sukoharjo
  • Kuswardani Kuswardani Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Legal aid is a form of human rights, especially in the process of justice, its existence is essential both philosophical, sociological, and juridical basis. The purpose of this study is to attempt to describe the importance of legal aid from the three bases. This research approach is juridicalempirical. The results show that the three bases were important, firstly the importance of legal aid from a philosophical basis that legal aid carried the mission of wasathiyah and amar ma'ruf nahi munkar to enforce justice and protection of human rights. Secondly, the importance of legal aid from a sociological basis that legal aid can build social awareness and empower the society, especially women and more specifically, victims. Thirdly, the importance of legal aid from a juridical basis that legal aid has legality both vertically and horizontally.

Keywords: legal aid; human rights; protection of victim


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