
  • Endeh Suhartini Universitas Djuanda
  • Ani Yumarni Universitas Djuanda
  • Siti Maryam Universitas Djuanda Bogor


The wage system provided by the company and accepted by workers must be adjusted to the applicable regulations and work agreements that have been implemented by the parties. The purpose of writing this paper is to study and analyze wage systems that reflect social justice and also to determine the model of wage systems for social justice for workers and employers, the research method used is Normative Juridical. In its implementation to date, the wage system and wage payment policies received by Workers in each region are different, so that the issue of the wage payment system is still a major issue every day of Labor / Workers nationally and internationally. Thus a better policy is needed in its implementation and a wage system model is needed that reflects the balance of rights and obligations for corporate sustainability.

Keywords: Policy; Workers; Businessman; Wage System.


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